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HomeVideoDESIGN SQUAD | Fidgit Coaster | PBS KIDS

DESIGN SQUAD | Fidgit Coaster | PBS KIDS

Buckle up! Watch as Deysi talks about Design Squad’s visit to the Cambridge Science Festival, and shows off a real-life Fidgit factory in the form of a Fidgit coaster!

DESIGN SQUAD NATION is high-energy, high-drama reality TV led by Judy and Adam, two professional engineers who work with kids around the world to make their wishes come true through engineering. From creating a park for skaters at the White Mountain Apache Reservation in Arizona to building a playground in a rural village in Nicaragua’s northern mountains, the goal of DESIGN SQUAD NATION is to inspire viewers to take on their own hands-on engineering activities.

Watch full episodes of Design Squad here:

Play Design Squad games here: