Book Talk


WPBS-DT is proud to announce the second installment of Book Talk, with host, Erika Flint. This two-part series features local authors discussing their written works and how they came to author them. Genres include fiction, local history, non-fiction, childrens and young adult books. Each 30-minute episode will highlight three local authors. For more information about the authors and where you can purchase these books, please visit

Episode One A Little Spooky, a Little Practical, airs Friday, January 29th at 5:30 pm

Former North Country resident Amy Reade is the author of Secrets of Hallstead House and Ghost of Peppernell Manor; Paul Smiths College professor Brett McLeod, author of The Woodland Homestead, talks about his how-to book; and editors, Brian Gorman and Maureen Barros, discuss their book, Stone Houses of Jefferson County. 

Episode Two How a Canada Goose and a Swan Became Friends, airs Friday, February 5th at 5:30 pm

Westport, Ontario resident Neola Thacker, discusses the inspiration behind her book, An Odd Couple; Lowville resident, Joshua Baileys first book is The Separation; and Carthage resident, Marcus Mastin talks about his series, The Carthage Chronicles, along with his memoir about humor and parenting, My Life as a Stay-At-Home Dad.

This program is made possible in part with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by the St. Lawrence County Arts Council.

Episodes will be available streaming online at shortly after the broadcast premiere.


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