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Big Democratic Donors, Voting Rights at the State Level and Few Truths in Election 2016

On the Webcast Extra, David Sanger reports on the search for the Paris attackers that has led to border closings and increased military response in France as authorities try to determine if this was a centralized plan or a local group. In Election 2016, big money Democratic donors have yet to open their wallets to leading candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Jeanne Cummings reports that 80% of Obama’s biggest donors have yet to contribute to any Democrats as many are demoralized by the rise of super PACs. Plus, Reid Wilson reports on changes to voting rights at the state level after Democrats have lost over 1800 legislative seats since 2009. And Angie Drobnic Holan says 2016 hasn’t been a good season for truth on the campaign trail. PolitiFact found just one truth in their fact-checked statements during the most recent Republican debate — Ted Cruz’s claim that the Bible is shorter than the U.S. tax code.