Sustainer Membership

Supporting WPBS TV could not be easier than this!

Members who participate in the Sustainer Membership Program of WPBS make ongoing monthly gifts through automatic credit/debit card deductions, or a monthly billing can be sent to you.

By choosing to have a sustaining membership, you provide WPBS, your Public Television station, with the continuing support needed to secure the future of your favorite programs, as well as ensuring that new programs and services are made available to our entire viewing community.

Why Become a Sustaining Member?

  • Your membership never expires, unless you ask us to end it. Monthly memberships are perpetual and don’t require us to send you any renewal reminders!
  • It’s convenient! No need to receive installment invoices from us or to remember when to mail a check.
  • A regulated stream of income allows us to put funds to what really matters to you: the programs seen on WPBS.

Becoming a Sustainer Member allows you the convenience of regular membership payments, selected by you, in addition to automatic renewals. Membership renewal reminders will not be sent to you, but rather a statement will be sent when we renew your membership so that you can update your pledge amount or method of payment for the coming year.

Please fill out the Membership form to become a Sustaining Member today! Please note that Sustaining Memberships will be automatically renewed each year unless we are notified by you.

Making changes to your current monthly deduction amount or method of payment can be made by calling Linda in Membership at 315-782-3142 ext 323 Monday Friday, 8:00-4:30pm or by emailing