This sixty-minute documentary produced by WPBS-DT features a comprehensive look at both antique boats and the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton, NY. The prosperity of the late 1800s recognized the expansion of railroad service in the 1000 Islands, bringing city dwellers seeking the serenity and beauty of this pristine environment. This new tourism fueled the construction of grand hotels, river mansions and of course boats some small, some large, and some extremely grand. It explores the history of these incomparable wooden boats of the 1000 Islands and highlights whats being done to preserve both these priceless artifacts and our maritime history. Price includes shipping & handling


  • The Communicator Awards 2007:, An Award of Excellence in the category of “Documentary” from the Communicator Awards
  • Syracuse Press Club 2007:, Second Place in the documentary category of the Syracuse Press Club Awards Competition.
  • 28th Annual Telly Awards 2007: a Winner of the Silver Telly Award (their top honor)

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