American Graduate

American Graduate

America loses one out of four young people to the dropout crisis each year. A high school diploma is an important step in preparing a young person to live an independent, secure and happy life and is an essential component of America’s economic competitiveness to create a more educated, innovative workforce. Dropping out not only makes it harder for these young people to succeed in life, but our economy also loses hundreds of billions of dollars in productivity and our communities suffer enormous social costs. The good news is that solutions exists and – together – we can end the dropout crisis.

Local Resources

Northern Regional Center for Independent Living

Shelly David Parent Training & Information Coordinator

(315) 785-8703 or (315) 376-8696

Transition Specialist NYSPEP

Kristy Graves, Youth Advocate

(315) 785-8703 or (315) 376-8696

Parent Involvement Program (Watertown CSD)

Stacey Eller, PIP Coordinator

(814) 823-1590

Homework Assistance with Parental Involvement

Deborah A. Cavallario, Owner/ Director

(315) 782-5888

Jefferson Lewis BOCES Continuing Education

Tracy J. Gyoerkoe

(315) 779-7200